Rendering Perspective


Semester Project
University of Stuttgart, SS 2005
ILEK - Prof. Werner Sobek, IGMA - Prof. Gerd de Bruyn

For the Curonian Spit in Lithuania alternative concepts of tourism, possibly conserving the environment, shall be developed. My proposal is the development of a transportable cocoon, which the guests bring in a backpack and inflate, enabling them to stay and move on land and water.

Two connected membranes are pumped against each other, giving a firm shell with usable internal space. See also LaBallule from Gilles Ebersolt. For safety reasons, redundancy in case of emergency, the cocoon is divided into several independent sections.

Within the ‘venturelab’, together with the IFJ from the University of St. Gallen, later a commercialization concept was developed. At this further application possibilities were explored.