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Max-Kade Dachcafe Bar & Club, 2003 - 2004

Client: Max-Kade self-management
Scope: Reconstruction, from design to execution

The Max-Kade house is a 15-storey building in the centre of Stuttgart, inhabited by students. On top it has a club rooom hosting it’s notorious weekly parties (200-400 people). It also serves as the living room of the house, used for various other purposes. The house is self-managed by the students, and so is the Dachcafe.

In Wintersemester 2003/2004 it had to be reconstructed. The works contained: new bar, lights + electrics, DJ-stand, seatings, new toilets, new floor, walls and door finishings. Most of it was done by ourselves, with the hands of the students living in the house.

As head of the house I have managed the works and contributed most of the planning and my share of manual work.

This project is not so important in architectural terms, but more because the Dachcafe earns the money which fuels the self-management, being the base of it’s independence. Additionally it shows that it is possible to have a great club in the best location in Stuttgart, offering good qulality and student prices, as long as it’s in their hands.

Work in Progress Alternative Lighting Beginning